It’s Dust! The Solution to Two Key Mysteries in Type Ia Supernova Cosmology - Dillon Brout (University of Pennsylvania)


Precise cosmological distances have been computed to roughly 1500 Type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa) over the last 20 years since the discovery of cosmic acceleration and the next generation will shepherd tens to hundreds of thousands more. However, advances in our understanding of dark energy and dark matter won’t come from statistics alone; in fact recent SNIa analyses are already limited by systematic uncertainties. In this talk I will discuss recent work that has led to the simultaneous solution to two of the key mysteries that have persisted in the foundations of SNIa standardization and that have limited past cosmological analyses: the intrinsic scatter of SNIa standardized brightnesses and the apparent correlations between residual brightness with host galaxy properties. But, what does this mean for achieving the requirements of the next generation? And how can we use the coming deluge of statistics to start thinking outside the box to get there?



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