1 January 2020 to 1 July 2029
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone
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Predicting the spectra and lightcurves of macronovae: electromagnetic signatures or the r-process nucleosynthesis

19 Jan 2022, 16:45
FD5 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Oleg Korobkin


Neutron star mergers are some of the most energetic events in the Universe, powerful emitters of gravitational waves, mysterious engines behind short GRBs, possibly the main sites of the strong r-process nucleosynthesis. A new type of transients, -- called macronova or kilonova -- has been recently suggested and possibly discovered in the afterglow of GRB 130603B. These isotropic, infrared transients might be the only possible way to pinpoint the source of gravitational waves coming from the merging neutron stars. Here we present a study of their light curves and spectra, computed with the new multidimensional radiative transfer code SuperNu and accurate state-of-theart LTE opacities for a few representative elements (lighter elements: Cr, Pd, Se, Te, Br, Zr, lanthanides: Sm, Ce, Nd, and an actinide U) for a range of ejecta morphologies. We assess the importance of various physics ingredience in the brightness and duration of the signal.

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