OKC colloquia

Extreme astrophysics with relativistic transients

by Dr Tanmoy Laskar (University of Bath)

Fysikum equipment

Fysikum equipment


(Zoom link: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/62320153507)

As the most energetic explosions in the Universe, relativistic astrophysical transients provide a unique opportunity to explore physics at extreme energy scales that are otherwise impossible to investigate in Earth-bound laboratories. I will demonstrate the power of multi-wavelength observations, combined with theoretical modelling, in teasing apart the physics of relativistic transients. Shining a special spotlight on radio wavelengths, I will describe how pushing the boundaries of observational efforts is leading to new insights into these extreme events. Today's case studies will include: (i) probing high-redshift gamma-ray bursts in search for explosions from the first stars, (ii) investigating the structure and composition of relativistic jets with ALMA to understand their launching mechanism, and (iii) exploring magnetized central engines in short-duration gamma-ray bursts.