Nordita Astrophysics Seminars

Astrophysical fluids with particles

by Stephan Rosswog (Stockholm University)


Nearly every astrophysical event involves gasdynamics of some form.
While computational gasdynamics is also commonly used in terrestrial/
engineering applications, astrophysics poses particular challenges and
in many cases it can be an interesting option to simulate the gas flow
with fully Lagrangian "computational particles" that move with the local
gas velocity.
In this talk I will review the basic properties of "Smooth Particle
Hydrodynamics" (SPH), a completely mesh-free method that is frequently
used in astrophysics (and actually also increasingly so in engineering
applications). I will further discuss a number of recent developments
in this field including the first Lagrangian hydrodynamics code in full
General Relativity.