All living cells are surrounded by a thin lipid bilayer membrane that is impermeable to polar molecules and ions. Membrane-embedded proteins allow the cell to regulate the influx and efflux of small molecules/ions as well as macromolecules, and to react to the presence of signaling molecules in the external environment. Membrane proteins thus serve as the cell’s gatekeepers, and are absolutely essential to life. All-in-all, roughly 30% of the different proteins found in a typical organism are membrane proteins, despite the fact that they occupy only a small fraction of the total cell volume.
Having evolved to live happily in the apolar environment of a lipid bilayer, membrane proteins are designed according to different architectural principles than are water-soluble proteins. Moreover, the cell uses specialized “translocon” proteins to guide membrane proteins into the membrane as they are synthesized on the ribosome. Our main interest is to understand the molecular interactions that drive membrane protein insertion and folding by developing molecular biology techniques to measure physical parameters such as insertion free energies and forces acting on the nascent protein during the membrane insertion process in the living cell.
Place: Oskar Klein auditorium FR4.
A few relevant papers: