Nordita Astrophysics Seminars

Gravitational Waves in a model of Inflationary Magnetogenesis

by Ramkishor Sharma (Nordita)



Gravitational waves can probe various epochs in the early Universe. In this talk, I will discuss the production of Gravitational waves(GW) in a particular model of inflationary magnetogenesis. In this model, we require a low energy scale for inflation and reheating (reheating temperature, T_R < 10^4 GeV) and have a blue spectrum of electromagnetic field(EM), which peaks around the horizon scale of reheating. The anisotropic stress associated with these EM fields naturally sources the production of a stochastic background of GW with frequencies in the range of tens of nano Hertz to milli Hertz. These two extremes of the range can be probed respectively by pulsar timing arrays experiments and the upcoming Laser Interferometric Space Array. We also perform three-dimensional direct numerical simulations to study GW production. We notice some new features in the GW spectrum compared to earlier analytical work. I will also discuss those.