OKC colloquia

(note special time) First detection of cosmological signal with CHIME intensity mapping

by Dr Richard Shaw (UBC)


Zoom: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/62320153507

CHIME is a radio interferometer designed for intensity mapping, and aiming to probe the expansion history of the Universe by measuring Baryon acoustic oscillations, that has been operating at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory in British Columbia since late 2018.

In this talk I will introduce CHIME and discuss our first intensity mapping science results: cross correlation measurements against eBOSS spectroscopic catalogs. We have significant detections of all three tracers: LRGs, ELGs and quasars, and I will discuss how we process the data and model the signal, and our interpretation of the results. Finally I will talk about implications and prospects for future measurements from CHIME on the path to measuring BAO.