8–11 May 2023
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Jan Rosseel - Minimal Stringy Non-Relativistic Supergravity

8 May 2023, 15:30
Lärosal 5 (Albano Building 1 )

Lärosal 5

Albano Building 1

Long talk


In this talk I will discuss a non-relativistic limit of minimal ten-dimensional supergravity that yields a supergravity theory with underlying String Newton-Cartan geometry. I will argue that after taking the limit, the theory is invariant under emergent dilatation and fermionic Stueckelberg symmetries that lead to a shortening of the supergravity multiplet. Even though the supersymmetry transformation rules diverge in the limit, regularity and consistency of the procedure can then be maintained by imposing a set of dilatation covariant and supersymmetric intrinsic torsion constraints. Finally, I will discuss how this non-relativistic minimal stringy supergravity theory is natural when viewed through the lense of longitudinal T-duality and use the latter to obtain supergravity solutions corresponding to non-relativistic fundamental and unwound strings.

Presentation materials