15–16 May 2023
AlbaNova Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The Rise of the Octagon - Towards the gravity dual of dynamical supersymmetry breaking

16 May 2023, 10:30
Mega 6228, Nordita 6th floor

Mega 6228, Nordita 6th floor


Prof. Matteo Bertolini (SISSA, Trieste)


In the context of the gauge/gravity correspondence I will present a model where supersymmetry is broken dynamically into stable vacua. This is based on a system of D-branes placed at the tip of the so-called Octagon singularity and represents the first such instance within the correspondence. The model fills a gap in top-down stringy descriptions of the diverse phases and IR dynamics that supersymmetric gauge theories can enjoy, and paves the way for a gravity/geometric dual of dynamical supersymmetry breaking. The relevance of this result in the wider context of the string landscape and the swampland program will also be discussed.

Presentation materials