May 15 – 16, 2023
AlbaNova Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Inelastic exponentiation and gravitational waveforms

May 16, 2023, 4:00 PM
Mega 6228, Nordita 6th floor

Mega 6228, Nordita 6th floor


Carlo Heissenberg (Uppsala University)


The classical limit of scattering amplitudes provides a convenient strategy to calculate gravitational observables associated to black-hole encounters. Taking this limit requires a resummation in the effective coupling, known as the eikonal exponentiation. In this talk, I will present recent progress on the operator version of this exponentiation, which combines elastic (two-to-two) with inelastic (two-to-three) channels to produce a unitary description of the scattering process. I will illustrate how including tree-level and one-loop contributions to the eikonal operator allows us to access the leading and subleading waveforms describing the gravitational waves produced during a black-hole scattering process. The latter involve the so-called tail effects, whereby the emitted gravitational radiation can re-scatter against the curvature induced by each black hole.

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