Jul 24 – 28, 2023
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Radiative Observables, Angular Momentum Losses and the Eikonal Operator

Jul 24, 2023, 4:10 PM
Auditorium 4, Albano 2 building

Auditorium 4, Albano 2 building


Carlo Heissenberg (Uppsala University)


The classical limit of scattering amplitudes provides a convenient strategy to calculate gravitational observables associated to binary encounters.
Taking this limit requires a resummation in the effective coupling, known as the eikonal exponentiation.
In this talk I will discuss an operator version of this exponentiation, which combines the elastic 2-to-2 channel with inelastic 2-to-3 channels that include graviton emissions,
and illustrate its structure up to O(G^3), corresponding to two loops in the 2-to-2 amplitude and one loop in the 2-to-3 amplitude.
I will then apply it to calculate dissipative observables for binary encounters: the total angular momentum loss, going also beyond the point-particle limit,
the individual losses of angular momentum for each colliding body, and the scattering waveforms.

Presentation materials