Nordita Day 2023

Albano Building 3

Albano Building 3

Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden
Ralf Eichhorn (Nordita)


Following an ancient tradition whose origins can be traced back to 2015, the Nordita Day is an opportunity to get to know your fellow Norditans. It will be a one day event, Wednesday, 30th of August 2023.

You will be given the opportunity to join social activities in the morning (yoga+meditation at yogafolks), and to listen to inspiring science in the afternoon, before we will have dinner (at Proviant). For the evening, we may organize some (social) games and there is basic equipment for some sportive activities, like kubb, badminton, and frisbee.

Your family/partner is cordially invited to join for the dinner.


9:00-11.45 YOGAFOLKS (Åsögatan 166)

You can enjoy and explore an introductory yoga class as well as a meditation session.   
(The classes will be led by professional teachers. We will have a yoga class and a meditation session with a break in between during which a light breakfast will be served.)


12.30-14.00 LUNCH BREAK

at Nordita (bring your own food)


14.00-17.30 SCIENTIFIC TALKS (House 3, Lecture hall 4204)

We will listen to some science stuff, see the Timetable  


18.00-20.00 DINNER

Buffet at Restaurant Proviant (house 2)


20.00-late PARTY

at Nordita (house 3, floor 6, bring your own stuff)



To help us plan the day, please register on the registration form as soon as possible. Registration deadline is August 13.

When registering you will have to indicate if you want to joing the yoga+meditation in the morning (why wouldn't you??), and you will be asked to let us know how many persons will join you for the dinner event.

Note the there is a limited number of spots for the yoga+meditation, which will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.


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    • 1
      The last Copernican Revolution: "Spacetime of the Gaps"* Albano 3: 4204 - SU Conference Room (56 seats)

      Albano 3: 4204 - SU Conference Room (56 seats)

      Albano Building 3


      Many centuries ago, Copernicus told us that we were not in the center of the Universe. Since then, many other Copernican steps moved us away from a central place in our understanding of the Universe. Nonetheless, it still has remained a place. In this colloquium, I will argue that, perhaps, the very last Copernican revolution will melt away any fundamental notion of space, and perhaps time. We will talk about the very deepphilosophical and conceptual idea that spacetime is emergent while keeping the level as pedagogical as possible. We won't shy away from big conceptual leaps, but we will restrain ourselves from being excessively technical. By the end of this talk, I hope you will be as fascinated as I am about the current frontier in our understanding of quantum gravity and inspired by the real possibility that we may test the emergent nature of spacetime in the lab and in the sky.

      • A reference to the "God of the Gaps" theological perspective.
      Speaker: Guilherme Franzmann (Stockholm University)
    • 2
      Testing the limits of physics with massive quantum systems Albano 3: 4204 - SU Conference Room (56 seats)

      Albano 3: 4204 - SU Conference Room (56 seats)

      Albano Building 3


      Microscopic mirrors, levitated beads, and vibrating membranes are among the most massive resonator systems that we can currently cool to the quantum regime. With masses much higher than the single-atom scale, these systems are excellent candidates for testing the limits of quantum physics and gravity. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of this field and tell you about my own research, which concerns developing models of these systems in the laboratory, and asking how we can use them as probes of gravity.

      Speaker: Sofia Qvarfort (Stockholm University)
    • 16:00
      Coffee break Albano 3: 4204 - SU Conference Room (56 seats)

      Albano 3: 4204 - SU Conference Room (56 seats)

      Albano Building 3

    • 3
      Optical searches for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence with the VASCO project Albano 3: 4204 - SU Conference Room (56 seats)

      Albano 3: 4204 - SU Conference Room (56 seats)

      Albano Building 3

      Speaker: Beatriz Villarroel (Stockholm University)
    • 4
      Life & Science at Nordita