Massimiliano Lattanzi

AlbaNova A5:1041 - CoPS grupprum (AlbaNova Main Building)

AlbaNova A5:1041 - CoPS grupprum

AlbaNova Main Building


Speaker: Massimiliano Lattanzi (INFN Ferrara)

Title: Constraints on the Properties of Light Relics from Cosmological Observations

Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss how observations of the cosmic microwave background and of cosmological large-scale structures can be used to constrain the properties of active neutrinos and other light relics like sterile neutrinos or axion-like particles. I will focus on "new physics" scenarios (e.g. beyond-standard-model neutrino interactions, axion-like particles, ...). I will further discuss detection prospects from forthcoming cosmological observations.

Place: CoPS room/A5:1041 and Zoom

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