After reviewing some general properties of the renormalization group (RG) flow for quantum field theories (QFT), I'll described how the recently descovered non-invertible symmetries can be used to put constraints on the dynamics of strongly coupled QFTs. I'll illustrate these facts using (3+1)-dimensional Adjoint QCD with two flavors as an example. This theory can be obtained by mass deforming a pure N=2 super Yang-Mills theory. Relaying on supersymmetric results, dynamical abelianization and monopole condensation, we are able to get to the description of an infrared (IR) phase characterized by an CP1 sigma model. In this scenario, the IR phase has an emergent non-invertible symmetry, which is matched with the non-invertible symmetry of the IR CP1 phase. This result illustrate how an emergent non-invertible symmetry can be used to provide a bridge connecting the IR and its properties with the ones of microscopic degrees of freedom in gauge theories with one-form symmetries.