The exploration of the landscape of 5d superconformal field theories (5d SCFTs) has undergone steadfast progress in the last few years, thanks to the multi-faceted toolbox provided by string theory and its cousins. Recently, a novel class of 5d SCFTs dubbed "5d conformal matter theories" have been discovered via M-theory geometric engineering: these behave as generalized bifundamental matter theories with non-trivial interacting dynamics, and can be neatly classified in terms of irreducible building blocks. Conformally gauging such blocks produces infinite families of more complicated 5d SCFTs, amenable to a low-energy gauge theory analysis and displaying interesting UV dualities. We present upcoming work that deepens the understanding of 5d conformal matter theories and clarifies their status in the arena of SCFTs in various dimensions: we show that their compactification on a circle yields 4d N=2 class S theories, we produce their interpretation in terms of brane-web constructions, and we exhibit their 3d N=4 magnetic quiver duals. All these pieces of the puzzle are intimately related and finally come together to form a coherent characterization of the Higgs branch of 5d conformal matter theories.