This is a reading group ahead of the Nordita "WINQ Program on Complex and Quantum Systems", whose fourth week focuses on "Informational Foundations on QFT". In the reading group we get together to study a selection of relevant works from some invited speakers of the workshop.
At this sixth meeting, we plan to study one of the following papers
The idea is that anyone who wants to participate can come unprepared, you only need to bring your own (digital) copies of the papers. At the meeting we will choose one paper (or maybe split in two groups), then use the first 45 minutes of the meeting to read in it, and use the following 45 minutes for discussion among us.
Feel free to get in touch if you have questions or suggestions. Also please let us know if you want to participate by sending an email to:
We meet in person in Xenon, or also online as per the following details:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 654 9179 3215
Robert H. Jonsson