Nordita HEP Local Seminars

Joint Uppsala Meeting: Mark Mezei (Oxford), Ronnie Rodgers (Nordita)

Uppsala University

Uppsala University

Mark Mezei (Oxford)

Wilson loops: the old, the new and the unstable

We study the low-energy limit of Wilson lines in conformal gauge theories in four and three dimensions. As a function of the representation of the Wilson line, certain defect operators can become marginal, leading to interesting renormalization group flows and for sufficiently large representations to screening by charged fields. We study this phenomenon in a variety of applications.


Date and Time:
Tuesday 7 May at 11.00

Room: 101121


Ronnie Rodgers (Nordita)

Entanglement Renyi entropies in celestial holography

Celestial holography is the conjecture that scattering amplitudes in (d+2)-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes are dual to correlators of a d-dimensional conformal field theory, called the celestial CFT (CCFT). In CFT we can calculate sub-region entanglement Renyi entropies (EREs) from correlators of twist operators, via the replica trick. We argue that CCFT twist operators are holographically dual to cosmic strings or cosmic branes in the (d+2)-dimensional spacetime, and that their correlators are holographically dual to the (d+2)-dimensional partition function in the presence of these cosmic branes. We compute the EREs of a spherical region of the CCFT's conformal vacuum, finding the form dictated by conformal symmetry.


Date and Time:
Tuesday 7 May at 13.45

Room: 90101