Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden
There is an enormous international effort to build a large-scale quantum computer. Underlying the development of such a device is fault-tolerant quantum computing. This field brings together key ideas from theoretical physics, information theory and computer science to show how to overcome the errors a quantum information processing system will experience due to its interactions with the environment. Recent experimental breakthroughs have provided the first stepping stones, showing that it is possible to scale down error rates by scaling up the complexity of the error correcting code in real devices. Nevertheless, challenges are daunting and further progress will depend on close interactions between physicists that design and build quan- tum devices and others that work on developing new fault-tolerant codes and algorithms. Our program will bring together international experts working in quantum devices and fault tolerance to explore recent technological and theoretical developments. This will build on some core research strengths in the Nordic region where, for many years, researchers have invested heavily in the development of theoretical and experimental quantum optics and superconducting devices, among others. In addition to seminars on state-of-the-art quantum computing research, the program will include tutorials to train young researchers in the Nordic region with modern ideas in quantum computing and quantum hardware. This will help to inspire collaborations between Nordic researchers and the rest of the world to work towards the goal of building a fault-tolerant quantum computer.
Themes and preliminary program schedule
The following main themes over the three weeks mix specific experimental platforms together with different disciplines within the field of quantum error correction. The themes are flexible and may change depending on interests of the participants.
Week 1 themes:
- Quantum error-correction basics: Stabilizer codes, concatenated codes, subsystem codes
- Rydberg atoms and ions
- Trapped ion architectures
- Quantum low-density parity check (LDPC) codes
Week 2 themes:
- Superconducting transmon qubits
- Decoding algorithms
- Fault-tolerant quantum computing: logic gates
Week 3 themes:
- Bosonic qubits
- Linear optical quantum computing architectures
- Tailored codes for biased noise
- Quantum dot architectures
Confirmed participants
- Joe Goodwin U. Oxford
- Anthony Leverrier INRIA Paris
- Armanda O Quintavalle FU Berlin
- Kaavya Sahay Yale
- Ben Criger Quantinuum
- Leonid Pryadko UC Riverside
- Alex Kubica Yale
- Shilin Huang Yale
- Ken Brown Duke
- Timo Hillmann Chalmers
- Alexander Mueller Hermes University of Oslo
- Earl Campbell Riverlane
- Guillaume Dauphinais Xanadu
- Barbara Terhal TU Delft
- Robin Harper U. Sydney
- Andreas Wallraff ETH
- Mikko Möttönen Aalto
- Alexandru Paler Aalto
- Anton Frisk Kockum Chalmers
- Sergiy Denysov Olso Met. University
- Giovanna Tancredi Chalmers
- Liangyu Chen Chalmers
- Kae Nemoto OIST Okinawa
- Yvonne Gao NU Singapore
- Shane Mansfield Quandela
- Hassan Shapourian Cisco
- Jahan Claes Google Quantum AI
- Axel Eriksson Chalmers
- Ulrik L. Andersen DTU
- Peter van Loock U. Mainz
- Victor Albert Maryland NIST
- Emil Bergholtz Stockholm University
- Delphine Martre University of Oslo
- Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen
- Dolev Blumestein Harvard
- Alec Eickbusch Google Quantum AI
- Vlad Sivak Google Quantum AI
Please note that we are not soliciting travel and accommodation details details from participants. Any such emails at this point are spam/fraud. We will sent out invitations for registrations before arranging accommodations.
Travel support
Travel support is limited, but maybe available on request to the organizers.
There is a limited number of openings for additional participants that can support their own travel and accommodation. It may be that we find additional budget for junior applicants that do not have their own support to attend. We encourage applicants in this situation to mention that they need support to attend in the comments of the application form, and we will see if we can accommodate this. Application/registration
Deadline for applying is April 1st.
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