Nordita Day 2024

Albano Building 3

Albano Building 3

Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden
Ralf Eichhorn (Stockholm University, Nordita)


Following an ancient tradition whose origins can be traced back to 2015, the Nordita Day is an opportunity to get to know your fellow Norditans. It will be a one day event, Friday, 6th of September 2024.

You will be given the opportunity to join social activities in the morning (badminton or dance?), and to attend an informative EDI workshop and listen to inspiring science in the afternoon, before we will have dinner (at Proviant). For the evening, we may organize some (social) games and there is basic equipment for various activities, like billiard, board games, badminton, etc.

Your family/partner is cordially invited to join for the dinner.


10:00-12:00 BADMINTON

We will enjoy playing Badminton at the Frescati Sports Center


12:00-14:00 LUNCH BREAK

at Nordita (bring your own food)


14:00-17:30 EDI WORKSHOP & SCIENTIFIC TALK (House 3, Large Lunch Room)

We will have an EDI workshop and listen to some science stuff, see the Timetable  


18:00-20:00ish DINNER

Buffet at Restaurant Proviant (house 2)


20:00ish-late PARTY

at Nordita (house 3, floor 6, with dessert, snacks and fun sponsored by Nordita, other food/drinks please bring yourself)



To help us plan the day, please register on the registration form as soon as possible. Registration deadline is August 26.

When registering you will have to indicate if you want to joing the social event in the morning (why wouldn't you??), and you will be asked to let us know how many persons will join you for the dinner event. 

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    • 1
      How to be a good leader? In a scientific environment, respecting EDI principles Albano 3: 6203 - Floor 6 Large Lunch Room (44 seats)

      Albano 3: 6203 - Floor 6 Large Lunch Room (44 seats)

      Albano Building 3


      The broad topic is “How to be a good leader” in a scientific environment. Related topics will include: how to find yourself in “early career” leadership positions without having proper training for it and how to be a good leader for yourself, as many scientists face this challenge.

      Speaker: Anna Adeniji (Inclusion Academy)
    • 16:00
      Coffee break Albano 3: 6203 - Floor 6 Large Lunch Room (44 seats)

      Albano 3: 6203 - Floor 6 Large Lunch Room (44 seats)

      Albano Building 3

    • 2
      On ordered phases and mesoscopic superconductivity Albano 3: 6203 - Floor 6 Large Lunch Room (44 seats)

      Albano 3: 6203 - Floor 6 Large Lunch Room (44 seats)

      Albano Building 3

      Speaker: Mikael Fogelström (Stockholm University)