30 June 2025 to 3 July 2025
Lviv, Ukraine
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Motivation and background: the Russian war of agression against Ukraine has led to the largest refugee crisis in Europe since WW2, and to very serious disturbances of scientific life in Ukraine. Male scientists below the age of 60 can not cross the state border without special permission, which is not always immediate to obtain. Ukraine has therefore, in addition to all other misfortunes of war, had to face an increased isolation of its scientific community. Read the EPS Statement (March 3, 2022).

The Statphys in Lviv satellite conference of Statphys29 is specifically intended to initiate new connections and broaden and deepen connections already made, and to allow statistical physicists in Ukraine to interact with international colleagues without leaving the country.

The Statphys in Lviv conference follows on an on-line European-Ukrainian conference organized in the framwork of the Davydov Readings in December 2023, with the participation of several Board members of the EPS Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division (EPS-SNPD).

Format: Three full days (arrival day 0, conference days 1-3, departure day 4)

Dates: June 30 - July 3, 2025

Location: Lviv, Ukraine. The exact location will only be made available to registered participants, for security reasons, and only in due time.

Security situation: Every participant will travel to Lviv on his or her own responsibility. Relevant information and/or recommendations from a participant's state department and/or from reliable international news agencies should be taken into account. Flexibility as to change of plans is warranted. 

Mode of organisation: Every participant arranges his or her travel and accommodation by himself or herself. Convenient modes of transportant to Lviv are by train or car from Krakow, Poland. It is recommended to arrange accommodation through one of the larger international services such as Booking.com, Hotels.com or Airbnb.

International committee:

Erik Aurell, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (co-chair)

Larissa Brizhik, Bololyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyiv (co-chair)

Mats Larsson, Stockholm University, Stockholm

Pawel Horodecki, University of Gdansk

Karol Zyczkowski, Jagiellonian University, Krakow

Angelo Vulpiani, University of Rome ”La Sapienza”, Rome

Luca Gammaitoni, University of Perugia

Lviv, Ukraine
Registration for this event is currently open.