21–31 Jan 2019
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The 9th annual Nordita Winter School on Theoretical Physics: Theoretical Particle Physics


Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden


The purpose of this winter school is to provide PhD students and young postdocs in the Nordic and Baltic countries with introductory courses in a range of the most important topics in the field of theoretical particle physics. Furthermore, the school will provide a way to bring together students and young postdocs across different fields, research institutions and countries.


The school will start on Monday January 21st and will end on Thursday January 31st. There will be no lecture on Saturday January 26th. The schedule of each day will be as follows:
  9.15-10.15: first lecture
10.30-11.30: second lecture
11.45-12.45: third lecture
12.45-14.45: lunch break
14.45-16.45: study time
16.45-17.45: question time


  • Francesco Benini (SISSA)
    Three-dimensional Dualities
  • Agnese Bissi (Uppsala University)
    Conformal Bootstrap
  • Ulf Danielsson (Uppsala University)
    The Weak Gravity Conjecture, Swampland and all that
  • Paolo Di Vecchia (Nordita)
    Anomalies, 2-Dimensional Bosonization and Effective Lagrangians
  • Edvard Mörtsell (Stockholm University)
    Basics of Cosmology
  • Marco Nardecchia (CERN)
    Particle Physics Phenomenology
  • Oliver Schlotterer (Albert Einstein Institute)
    String Theory Amplitudes
  • Justin Vines (Albert Einstein Institute)
    Gravitational Waves
  • Dmytro Volin (Nordita and Uppsala University)
    Basics of Amplitudes
  • Konstantin Zarembo (Nordita)
    Solvable Models

Financial Support

Nordic and Baltic PhD students and Post-Docs can apply for financial support for hotel expenses.

Nordic and Baltic PhD students and Post-Docs can also apply for travel support:

  • up to 1000 SEK for those coming from Sweden
  • up to 1500 for those coming from other Scandinavian countries
  • up to 3000 SEK for those coming from Iceland and other countries


The school is primarily intended for PhD students and young postdocs from the Nordic and Baltic countries. Advanced masters students may also apply. Students and postdocs outside the Nordic and Baltic countries may also apply, although financial support is available for only Nordic and Baltic students and postdocs.

You apply to the Nordita winter school in two steps:

  1. Fill in the form in the menu to the left
  2. Show that you are eligible to the school either by stating in the application form a reference to a published paper that best represents your work, or ask your supervisor or other person to send a short recommendation letter to winterschool@nordita.org.

Note that all three steps must be completed by 15 December 2018.

Invited speakers should also fill in the form, but only the indicated sections.

Sponsored by:

Nordita Uppsala University Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse ERC - European Research Council

Nordita, Stockholm