17–21 Aug 2009
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Fast Simulations of the High Redshift 21cm Signal

18 Aug 2009, 12:00
FD 5 (AlbaNova University Centre)

FD 5

AlbaNova University Centre

Roslagstullsbacken 21, Stockholm
Simulating reionization and its 21cm signal


Dr Andrei Mesinger (Princeton Univerisity)


I present a fast and powerful tool for calculating full 3D realizations of the high-redshift 21cm signal. We compare our semi-numerical techniques against cosmological hydrodynamic simulations with radiative transfer, and find good agreement in the nonlinear density, ionization, peculiar velocity, and the resulting 21cm emission fields, especially on scales relevant to upcoming 21cm experiments. Interestingly, we also find that peculiar velocities have a complex impact on the mean and power spectrum of the 21cm emission, which varies with scale and the global ionized fraction. We also include prescriptions for computing inhomogenous X-ray heating and Lyman alpha pumping. Our simulation boxes can be of arbitrary size and can be run on ordinary computers in a matter of minutes. Thus they can rapidly explore wide swaths of parameter space, and be invaluable in interpreting upcoming 21cm observations.

Primary author

Dr Andrei Mesinger (Princeton Univerisity)

Presentation materials