Dec 4 – 6, 2006
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The development of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) and related methods, and their use for exploring biomolecules and their dynamics, interactions and functions, is a very exciting and rapidly developing field of research. While turning into a well established technique, still further developments of the FCS technique and variants thereof are frequently reported, and yet new areas and topics of applications are explored. The purpose of this workshop is to reflect this development, and to provide a venue for researchers in the field to discuss their recent results.

The workshop also aims at providing an introduction of these techniques to researchers considering applying FCS and related techniques within their specific fields of study, in particular within biology and biomedicine.

The workshop will consist of a series of lectures by leading researchers in the field, a poster session, as well as social events. Prior to the opening of the workshop, three tutorial introductory lectures will be given, intended primarily for PhD students, but open to all participants of the workshop.
