The Stockholm Stream Computing Center and PRACE are organizing a workshop on stream computing. The workshop will offer an introduction to Open CL and stream/GPU programming. It will consist of lectures and hands-on experiences in using OpenCL on state-of-the-art stream processors It will also offer lectures on stream processor architectures and programming tools for stream processors and multi-core systems. Lectures reporting on successful use of stream processors in scientific applications will also be offered.
The workshop is suitable for scientist and graduate students with interest in exploiting stream processing for applications. It requires good programming experience.
The workshop will be held at KTH, Stockholm.
The Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning lectures will be held at Sydvästgalleriet (SVG), Osquars Backe 31, 3rd floor (the KTH Library building); the Wednesday morning lectures at room 304 at Teknikringen 14 (3rd floor); the labs on Tuesday and Wednesday will take place in the SAM lab at Teknikringen 14 (3rd floor).
The event is part of PRACE's training and education programme, which aims to prepare and initiate a sustainable and comprehensive European HPC education and training programme encompassing summer schools, winter schools, training workshops and training material. Video material from previous PRACE training events is available on
The Stockholm Stream Computing Center was formed in 2008 by scientists at KTH’s High Performance Computing Center, PDC, and the Center for Biomembrane Research (CBR) at Stockholm University.
The Partnership for Advance Computing in Europe (PRACE) is a project funded by the European Commission.
The program committee for this workshop consists of
Guillaume Colin de Verdiere, Commissariat l'Energie Atomique (CEA), Paris
Pekka Manninen, Finnish Center for Scientific Computation (CSC - IT Center for Science) Helsinki
Lennart Johnsson, PDC - Center for High-Performance Computing, KTH and Department of Computer Science, University of Houston
Erwin Laure, PDC - Center for High-Performance Computing, KTH
Erik Lindahl, CBR, Stockholm University
Peter Munger, National Supercomputing Center (NSC), Linkoping
Alan Simpson, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center (EPCC), Edinburgh University
The workshop is suitable for scientist and graduate students with interest in exploiting stream processing for applications. It requires good programming experience.
The workshop will be held at KTH, Stockholm.
The Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning lectures will be held at Sydvästgalleriet (SVG), Osquars Backe 31, 3rd floor (the KTH Library building); the Wednesday morning lectures at room 304 at Teknikringen 14 (3rd floor); the labs on Tuesday and Wednesday will take place in the SAM lab at Teknikringen 14 (3rd floor).
The event is part of PRACE's training and education programme, which aims to prepare and initiate a sustainable and comprehensive European HPC education and training programme encompassing summer schools, winter schools, training workshops and training material. Video material from previous PRACE training events is available on
The Stockholm Stream Computing Center was formed in 2008 by scientists at KTH’s High Performance Computing Center, PDC, and the Center for Biomembrane Research (CBR) at Stockholm University.
The Partnership for Advance Computing in Europe (PRACE) is a project funded by the European Commission.
The program committee for this workshop consists of
Guillaume Colin de Verdiere, Commissariat l'Energie Atomique (CEA), Paris
Pekka Manninen, Finnish Center for Scientific Computation (CSC - IT Center for Science) Helsinki
Lennart Johnsson, PDC - Center for High-Performance Computing, KTH and Department of Computer Science, University of Houston
Erwin Laure, PDC - Center for High-Performance Computing, KTH
Erik Lindahl, CBR, Stockholm University
Peter Munger, National Supercomputing Center (NSC), Linkoping
Alan Simpson, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center (EPCC), Edinburgh University