30–31 Aug 2010
Tammsvik Konferens och Herrgård
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The Swedish e-Science Research Centre (SeRC) - advancing e-Science in Sweden

30 Aug 2010, 13:30
Tammsvik Konferens och Herrgård

Tammsvik Konferens och Herrgård

197 91 BRO <a href="http://www.tammsvik.se/">Homepage</a>


Prof. Dan Henningson (KTH Mechanics)


The Swedish e-science Research Centre (SeRC) is formed by the universities in Stockholm and Linköping – KTH, Linköping University (LiU), Stockholm University (SU) and Karolinska Institutet (KI) – around the two largest high- performance computing (HPC) centres in Sweden: PDC at KTH and NSC at LiU. Research at SeRC is focused on the collaboration between tool makers and tool users, and brings together a core of nationally leading IT research teams with expertise in e-Science method development and leading scientists in selected application areas. SeRC will constitute a leading visionary e-Science node with a national scope and strong international ties Substantially increased collaboration between applied and method-oriented groups is needed, and SeRC will provide a platform for this. Our approaches to reach these goals are: 1. Formation of e-Science Communities that connect application groups with relevant core e-Science groups and computer experts at PDC and NSC. 2. Research in core e-Science methods such as distributed resources, database technology, numerical analysis, visualization and interaction, mathematical modeling and parallel algorithms, focusing on problems critical for several e-Science communities. 3. Much closer collaboration between PDC and NSC, and a substantial increase in advanced support staff, which will turn the centers into comprehensive e- Science enablers. SeRC is also taking a national responsibility in the e-Science area in terms of hosting a large part of the Swedish e-Science infrastructure through PDC and NSC. Already today these two high performance computing centers take the nationally leading role, which will be further developed within SeRC beyond the hardware aspect of e-Infrastructure.

Primary author

Prof. Dan Henningson (KTH Mechanics)

Presentation materials