30–31 Aug 2010
Tammsvik Konferens och Herrgård
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Massively Parallel Large Scale Automated Adaptive Finite Element CFD

30 Aug 2010, 16:47
Tammsvik Konferens och Herrgård

Tammsvik Konferens och Herrgård

197 91 BRO <a href="http://www.tammsvik.se/">Homepage</a>


Mr Niclas Jansson (KTH CSC/NA)


We present recent advances on automated adaptive finite element CFD for massively parallel architectures, illustrated by high Reynolds number flow simulations and adaptive computation of aeroacoustic sources for rudimentary landing gear. Our implementation shows excellent performance and scalability for a wide range of different architectures, and is freely available as part of the open source project FEniCS.

Primary author

Mr Niclas Jansson (KTH CSC/NA)


Dr Johan Hoffman (KTH CSC/NA) Dr Johan Jansson (KTH CSC/NA) Mr Rodrigo Vilela De Abreu (KTH CSC/NA)

Presentation materials

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