30–31 Aug 2010
Tammsvik Konferens och Herrgård
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Using SNIC resources to explore the flow physics around a simplified tractor-trailer model

30 Aug 2010, 16:45
Tammsvik Konferens och Herrgård

Tammsvik Konferens och Herrgård

197 91 BRO <a href="http://www.tammsvik.se/">Homepage</a>


Mr Jan Östh (Chalmers University of Technology)


This poster will present how the use of the SNIC computational resources has been used by the authors to explore the flow physics of a simplified tractor-trailer model. Even though the geometry is rather simple, the flow around a simplified tractor-trailer model is very complex. It is characterized by large, unsteady vortices that are shed from the geometry. The interaction of these vortices with each other and the geometry will determine important aerodynamic properties such as the drag and lift of the vehicle. The SNIC resources has enabled us to use the computational costly but more accurate unsteady Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach when solving the governing Navier-Stokes equation. This enables us to better analyze and understand the unsteady nature of the flow. The poster will show varius results from our research.

Primary author

Mr Jan Östh (Chalmers University of Technology)


Dr Sinisa Krajnovic (Chalmers University of Technology)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.