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- Indico Weeks View
The 26th Nordic Network Meeting on ''Strings, Fields and Branes'' will be held October 21-23, 2010 and hosted by Chalmers University of Technology (Department of Fundamental Physics). The meeting will start on Thursday the 21th at 13.00 and end on Saturday the 23th at 13.00. The lectures and talks will take place in the room "Kollektorn" (see map). Chalmers can be easily reached by tram of by buss. Stop at "Chalmers" and follow the map above.
The program will consist of two lecture series by invited speakers, and short talks by students and young researchers who wish to contribute. The two lecture series will be held by:
The lectures will cover various aspects of physics beyond the Standard Model of interest for LHC phenomenology.
The deadline for registration is October 13th 2010. The deadline for submission of talks is October 8th. To register, follow the "Registration Form" link. Participants are expected to make their own booking and travel arrangements. Nordita, will provide some financial support for Nordic Students attending the meeting. We have pre-booked some rooms at a reduced price in nearby hotels but in order to take full advantage of the offer you must book before September 21 (see accommodations for details).
On Friday the 22th beginning at around 18:30 there will be a social dinner at Chalmers Villan, Gibraltargatan 1A (5 min. walking distance from the seminar room) for all registered participants, Club Avancez. The dinner will be followed by a short performance by violinist Ava Bahari .
Local organizing committee: Måns Henningson (mans@chalmers.se),
Gabriele Ferretti (ferretti@chalmers.se)
Secretary: Kate Larsson (katel@chalmers.se)
Funding: Chalmers University of Technology, Dept. of Fundamental Physics.
Nordita (Graduate student financial support and IT support)