14–16 May 2007
AlbaNova University Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone
Nordic Workshop on Physics at the LHC

Welcome to the XIV Nordic LHC Physics Workshop at AlbaNova, Stockholm, 14-16 May 2007.

The workshop will start 9:00 Monday 14 May. The morning session will be devoted to a "School" session on "LHC and the Universe" organised by Lars Bergström and Joakim Edsjö.

The Wednesday morning session (16 May) is free for discussions.

As for all workshops in this series we particularily encourage younger members of our community to present recent work in the field.

The workshop fee of 900 SEK or 100€ is to be paid cash at registration. The fee includes conference facilities, coffee/tea during intervals and the workshop dinner to be held on the evening of Tuesday 15 May.
Please note that lunches are not included. The restaurant in AlbaNova serves hot lunch meals at 55-60 SEK, as well as sandwiches. There are also several lunch places in town within walking distance.

AlbaNova University Center
Roslagstullsbacken 21 Stockholm Sweden