Magnetic Order and Spectroscopy of Strongly Correlated Quantum Gases

7 Jan 2011, 17:10



Walter Hofstetter (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)


Cold atoms in optical lattices offer a new laboratory for the study of strong correlation phenomena.I will focus on two recent developments: i) We report the first detection of the Higgs-type amplitude mode using Bragg spectroscopy in a strongly interacting Bose condensate in an optical lattice. By the comparison of our experimental data with a spatially resolved, dynamical Gutzwiller calculation, we obtain good quantitative agreement. This allows for a clear identification of the amplitude mode, showing that it can be detected with full momentum resolution by going beyond the linear response regime. A systematic shift of the sound and amplitude modes' resonance frequencies due to the finite Bragg beam intensity is observed. ii) We investigate antiferromagnetic ordering of trapped spin-1/2 fermions using large-scale dynamical mean-field theory simulations. We find a clear experimental signature - enhanced double occupancy - for the onset of magnetic order at low temperatures in current experiments. We also discuss the effect of spin imbalance leading to canted antiferromagnetism.

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