Multiband superconductivity at high magnetic fields and the FFLO instability in ferropnictides.

7 Jan 2011, 15:20



Alex Gurevich (Florida State U)


Low carrier densities and short coherence lengths in semi-metallic ferropnictide superconductors can result in exotic behaviors at strong magnetic fields due to the interplay of multiband superconductivity, unconventional pairing symmetry and Zeeman and orbital pairbreaking. In this talk I discuss how these effects manifest themselves in the anomalous temperature dependence of the upper critical field Hc2(T) and the Fulde-Ferrel- Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) transition in clean anisotropic multband superconductors. In particular, if the magnetic field H it is tilted away from the symmetry axis, the wave vector Q of the FFLO oscillations is not parallel to H, which may result in fractional vortices. The crystalline anisotropy and the s± pairing symmetry with the sign change of the order parameter on different sheets of the Fermi surface can significantly increase the orbitally-limited Hc2(T) and facilitate the FFLO transition in multiband ferropnictides. In these materials a small shift of the chemical potential upon doping can result in the Lifshits transition due to emerging pockets of the Fermi surface, which in turn trigger the FFLO instability even for moderate values of the Maki parameter in the main bands. It is argued that the FFLO state may be more common than is usually assumed based on the observed shapes of HC2(T), so specific heat or torque magnetometry may be required to reveal the FFLO state.

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