15–26 Aug 2011
KTH main campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Case Study: Very large-scale brain simulations using supercomputers

25 Aug 2011, 11:15
E3 (KTH main campus)


KTH main campus

KTH main campus Valhallavägen 79


Anders Lansner (KTH/CSC)


Brain science is a rapidly growing application area for supercomputers with a main focus on data analysis of large volumes of data generated from measurements on the brain and on simulations of brain dynamics. The talk will mostly dwell on the latter aspect, first describing briefly some structural and functional aspects of the brain and standard methodology used in computational neuroscience to simulate activity of neurons and networks. Then follows some examples from our own investigations of perceptual and memory functions of the brain using simulation models with varying degrees of biophysical detail. Finally, our experience from performing very large-scale simulations and scaling of models to actual brain size on the Blue Gene architecture will be described.

Presentation materials