5–8 Sept 2011
Trondheim, Norway
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Fluxes and chemical potential distributions in biochemical networks

6 Sept 2011, 09:30
Trondheim, Norway

Trondheim, Norway


Enzo Marinari (University of Rome La Sapienza)


The analysis of non-equilibrium steady states of biochemical reaction networks relies on finding the configurations of fluxes and chemical potentials satisfying stoichiometric (mass balance) and thermodynamic (energy balance) constraints. Efficient methods to explore such states are crucial to predict reaction directionality, calculate physiologic ranges of variability, estimate correlations, and reconstruct the overall energy balance of the network from the underlying molecular processes. While different techniques for sampling the space generated by mass balance constraints are currently available, thermodynamics is generically harder to incorporate. Here we introduce a method to sample the free energy landscape of a reaction network at steady state. (in collaboration with Daniele De Martino, Matteo Figliuzzi, Andrea De Martino)

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