5–8 Sept 2011
Trondheim, Norway
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Statistical mechanics for a network of real neurons

5 Sept 2011, 12:00
Trondheim, Norway

Trondheim, Norway


Gasper Tkacik (IST, Austria)


In most areas of the brain, information is encoded in the correlated activity of large populations of neurons. Here we build probabilistic models of such population codes using maximum entropy principle from new recordings of more than 100 retinal ganglion cells from a dense patch on the salamander retina. We illustrate how the pairwise maximum entropy (Ising-like) models can be extended to capture better the experimental data. We analyze the qualitative features of these codes and report on their emerging critical behavior. These results can be put into context by a theoretical examination of information- maximizing codes for noisy spiking neurons.

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