5–8 Sept 2011
Trondheim, Norway
Europe/Stockholm timezone

An approximate forward-backward algorithm

6 Sept 2011, 11:00
Trondheim, Norway

Trondheim, Norway


Hakon Tjelmeland (NTNU)


In the presentation we propose computationally feasible approximations to binary Markov random fields. The basis of the approximation is the forward-backward algorithm. This exact algorithm is computationally feasible only for fields defined on small graphs. The forward part of the algorithm computes a series of joint marginal distributions by summing out each variable in turn. We construct an approximate forward-backward algorithm by adapting approximation results for pseudo-Boolean functions. By using an approximation of the energy function which minimises the error sum of squares we construct a forward- backward algorithm which is computationally viable. We also show how our approach gives us upper and lower bounds as well as an approximate Viterbi algorithm. Through examples we demonstrate the accuracy and flexibility of our approximate algorithm.

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