5–8 Sept 2011
Trondheim, Norway
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Inference in an over-complete, ultra-sparse model of olfaction

5 Sept 2011, 14:00
Trondheim, Norway

Trondheim, Norway


Peter Latham (University College London)


The general problem faced by the sensory system is to translate from spikes at sensory receptors to stimuli in the outside world. Here we consider how the brain might do this for olfaction, possibly the simplest of the senses. Our starting point is a linear generative model in which the response of each odorant receptor neuron is a linear combination of odors in the outside world; the problem, then, is to find the probabilistic mapping from those responses to odors. This is equivalent to a sparse, overcomplete model, but inference is especially hard because we use an ultra-sparse prior in which odors are either absent or present. We discuss our current progress on this problem, prospects for future directions, and what olfaction tells us about other sensory systems.

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