5–8 Sept 2011
Trondheim, Norway
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Unconventional and Adaptive Distance Measures: applications in life sciences

7 Sept 2011, 09:30
Trondheim, Norway

Trondheim, Norway


Michael Biehl (University of Groningen)


An introduction to distance based classification of multi- dimensional data is given.The popular Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) will serve as the main example in this talk. Here, typical representatives of the classes (prototypes) are determined from labelled example data in a supervised training process. In the working phase,the prototypes parameterize a classifier which can be applied to novel, unlabelled data. A key issue in LVQ and many related methods is the choice of a suitable similarity or distance measure. So- called relevance learning schemes employ parameterized distance measures which are optimized in the data-driven training process. The recently introduced Matrix Relevance LVQ, based on generalized Euclidean distances, will be discussed in greater detail. It is straightforward to extend the framework beyond Euclidean measures. As an important example, the use of statistical divergences in LVQ is introduced. Divergences can serve as generalized distances when data correspond to positive or normalized measures, as for instance in the histogram based classification of image data. Matrix Relevance Learning and Divergence based LVQ are illustrated in terms of a number of real world applications from the biomedical domain. These include adrenal tumor classification based on steroid excretion values and the detection and classification of plant diseases using color histograms.

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