30 July 2012 to 25 August 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Topological phases and phase transitions in a two-dimensional fermionic lattice: Magnetic field versus spin-orbit coupling

21 Aug 2012, 14:00



Wouter BEUGELING (Utrecht University)


Topological states of matter are characterised by a topological invariant, which is protected against disorder effects. In two-dimensional systems, a perpendicular magnetic field can induce the quantum Hall effect, where the Hall conductivity is quantised and protected because it is carried by chiral edge currents. Systems with large spin- orbit coupling in absence of a magnetic field exhibit the quantum spin Hall effect, where the protected quantity is the spin Hall conductivity, carried by helical edge states. In this talk, I address the combined effect of a magnetic field and spin-orbit coupling within a tight-binding model of electrons in a honeycomb lattice. First, I will explore the effects of the intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit and Zeeman terms individually. Secondly, I will discuss the subtle competitions that arise if these terms are combined. In particular, I will discuss the topological phase transitions induced by variation of the intrinsic spin-orbit coupling. I will conclude by exploring the candidates for experimental realisation of this model: Graphene, artificial honeycomb lattices, and cold atoms in optical lattices. References: * N. Goldman, W. Beugeling, and C. Morais Smith, EPL 97, 23003 (2012). * W. Beugeling, N. Goldman, and C. Morais Smith, arXiv:1204.2212.

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