Gunnar Möller
(Cavendish Laboratory)
We show how the phases of interacting particles in
topological flat bands, known as fractional Chern insulators,
can be adiabatically connected to incompressible fractional
quantum Hall liquids in the lowest Landau-level of an
externally applied magnetic field. Our approach enables a
formal proof of the equality of their topological orders and
furthermore, this proof robustly extends to the
thermodynamic limit. For the adiabatic continuation we use
the hybrid Wannier orbital basis proposed by Qi [Phys. Rev.
Lett. 107}, 126803 (2011)] in order to construct
interpolation Hamiltonians that provide continuous
deformations between the two models. We illustrate the
validity of our approach for the groundstate of bosons in the
half filled Chern band of the Haldane model (C=1), showing
that it is adiabatically connected to the \nu=1/2 Laughlin
state of bosons in the continuum fractional quantum Hall
problem. We comment on applications of this formalism to
bands with C>1.