30 July 2012 to 25 August 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Fractional topological phases and broken time reversal symmetry in strained graphene

14 Aug 2012, 14:00



Jerome Cayssol (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)


Various Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) states were recently reported in graphene under a strong magnetic field. Those FQH phases result from the effect of enhanced interactions between electrons moving in partially filled flat Landau levels, and exhibit remarkable properties (fractional quasiparticles with richer statistical properties than usual fermions or bosons, ground state degeneracy, ...). I will talk about electronic phases in strained graphene in the absence of magnetic field. The strain generates nearly uniform pseudo magnetic fields which are opposite for the two valleys of graphene. The non-interacting part of our model describes the zero magnetic field pseudo Landau level (PLL) structure recently proposed [1] and experimentally reported [2] in strained graphene. Since the reported effective magnetic fields [2] range from 60 T up to 300 T, the interaction-driven phases might conceivably be realized with larger energy gaps than in FQH states under a real magnetic field. Besides strained graphene, our results also pertain for artificial graphenes such as patterned electron gases and cold atoms in hexagonal lattices. More specifically, we have investigated the zero energy PLL at 2/3 filling [3]. In presence of the unscreened Coulomb interaction, electrons realize a 2/3 Hall state breaking time- reversal symmetry. Upon tuning the local part of the interaction, this 2/3 state can be destabilized towards a time-reversal symmetric state realizing a 1/3 Laughlin state in each valley. This state has a 9-fold ground state degeneracy and can be seen as a valley fractional topological insulator (FTI). For local attractive interactions, the 1/3+1/3 FTI has a transition towards a superconducting state. On raising the filling to the neutrality point, namely for the half-filled zero energy PLL, we find either a ferromagnet or a valley polarized state depending on the strength of the on-site interactions. [1] F. Guinea, M.I. Katsnelson, and A.K. Geim, Energy gaps and a zero-field quantum Hall effect in graphene by strain engineering, Nat. Phys. 6, 30 (2010). [2] L. Levy et al., Strain-induced pseudomagnetic fields greater than 300 tesla in graphene nanobubbles, Science 329, 544 (2010). [3] P. Ghaemi, J. Cayssol, D. N. Sheng and A. Vishwanath, Fractional topological phases and broken time reversal symmetry in strained graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 266801 (2012).

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