30 July 2012 to 25 August 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Local representations of the loop braid group

15 Aug 2012, 14:00



Joost Slingerland (National University of Ireland Maynooth)


I will give an introduction to the "loop braid group". This group governs the topological exchange properties of ring shaped "particles" in three dimensional space. It plays a role similar to that of the braid group in 2 spatial dimensions. Loops can perform a number of nontrivial exchange motions including simple exchanges like those of point particles and "leapfrogging" like smoke rings. I will introduce the concept of a local representation of the loop braid group; in such a representation, each ring has an internal Hilbert space and exchange motions act only on the internal Hilbert spaces of the rings that are involved in the motion. Examples of such local representations come from gauge theories and are closely related to the anyons that arise in toric code models, or discrete gauge theories. I will argue that, subject to an additional condition, all local representations of the loop braid group are of this type.

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