12–14 Sept 2011
AlbaNova main building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The South Pole Telescope Galaxy Cluster Survey

13 Sept 2011, 14:45
FD51 (AlbaNova main building)


AlbaNova main building

Roslagstullsbacken 21 Stockholm


Joe Mohr


We have carried out a multi-wavelength mm-wave survey of 2500 deg^2 in the southern extragalactic sky in search of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect signatures from galaxy clusters. More than 600 cluster candidates have been selected from the mm-wave data, and we are currently characterizing these candidates to determine their redshifts and improve our understanding of their masses. This cluster sample is an approximately mass limited cluster sample extending to beyond redshift z=1 and it currently includes three of the four most massive discovered clusters beyond redshift z=1. Initial analyses of a small subset indicate that the cosmological constraints are in good agreement with other studies. Efforts at improved mass calibration of the SZE mass--observable relation include using mass indicators like Micm and Yx from Chandra and XMM and galaxy velocity dispersions from optical spectroscopy with Gemini, Magellan and the VLT. We are beginning a direct mass calibration using weak lensing observations from Hubble, the VLT and Magellan. We are working to complete an analysis of the sample of over 200 clusters detected in the 2008 and 2009 SPT observing seasons.

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