12–14 Sept 2011
AlbaNova main building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Prospects for High-resolution Spectroscopy of Galaxy Clusters

14 Sept 2011, 15:30
FD51 (AlbaNova main building)


AlbaNova main building

Roslagstullsbacken 21 Stockholm


Mark Bautz


A decade ago, high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of galaxy clusters with XMM-Newton and Chandra led to profound changes in our understanding of physical processes governing the state of the plasma in cluster cores. Within the next few years, the advent of X-ray micro-calorimetry will likely open another new window on the the physics of the intracluster medium. I will review the expected performance of these new tools and discuss the potential advances they may produce in our understanding of clusters masses and of the kinematics and energy transport processes in the cluster plasma.

Presentation materials