12–14 Sept 2011
AlbaNova main building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The XMM Cluster Survey: First Data Release and Initial Science Results

13 Sept 2011, 09:45
FD51 (AlbaNova main building)


AlbaNova main building

Roslagstullsbacken 21 Stockholm


Kathy Romer


I will review the properties of the 504 clusters in the XCS-DR1 and, time allowing, explain some of the technical challenges that we have met whilst developing that catalog. I will then present science results based on the XCS-DR1 clusters, including those on Fossil Groups; AGN-ICM interactions; optical-to-X-ray scaling relations and the luminosity-to-temperature relation. I will preview other analysis work involving XCS-DR1 clusters that is now in progress (both inside and outside the XCS collaboration) and also how XCS can inform future cluster surveys (both X-ray and optical). Finally, and again time allowing, I will explain the challenges we face in the preparation of XCS-DR2 (3,4...) in the current funding climate.

Presentation materials