12–14 Sept 2011
AlbaNova main building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Constraining dark energy and modified gravity with galaxy clusters

13 Sept 2011, 09:00
FD51 (AlbaNova main building)


AlbaNova main building

Roslagstullsbacken 21 Stockholm


David Rapetti


Using measurements of the abundance of galaxy clusters we obtain constraints on dark energy and gravity at cosmological scales. Our data set consists of 238 cluster detections drawn from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and X-ray follow-up observations of 94 of those clusters. Using a new statistical framework we self-consistently and simultaneously constrain cosmology and observable-mass scaling relations accounting for survey biases, parameter covariances and systematic uncertainties. Allowing the linear growth index and the dark energy equation of state to take any constant values, we find no evidence for departures from GR+LCDM. If time permits, I will also present preliminary results on testing an alternative gravity model using our cluster data sets. Our results highlight the power of X-ray cluster studies to constrain cosmology.

Presentation materials