5–30 Nov 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Models of Quantum Spacetime, and Quantum Geometry.

5 Nov 2012, 11:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Gherardo Piacitelli


We will review the DFR approach to Quantum Space- Time and discuss the state of the art and the open issues. The DFR model is a fully covariant model of flat quantum spacetime generated by selfadjoint coordinates, where covariance is unitarily implemented, and the commutation relations among the coordinates are derived from a stability condition of spacetime under localisation alone. It must be regarded as a sort of analogue of semiclassical quantisation, providing the noncommutative geometric background for the quantum theory of fields at an intermediate regime, where few processes take place at very high energy; attempts to construct dynamical models also will be shortly reviewed and discussed. The stability condition is enforced through uncertainty relations which should prevent the purely kynematical black-hole formation. The quantum geometry arising from the interplay of the universal differential calculus with the specific algebra of the model provides a precise framework for discussing bounds to measurements of position,length, and n-volumes operators. We will conclude with an outlook. References: [arXiv:hep-th/0303037], [arXiv:1005.2130], [arXiv:hep-th/0301100],[arXiv:1201.2519], [arXiv:1206.3067]. See also the review [arXiv:1004.5261v3].

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