27–29 May 2013
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Why the Cosmological Constant turned into Dark Energy

27 May 2013, 11:15
122:026 (Nordita)




John Barrow


We will begin with a brief introduction to the hot early stages of the universe and the background radiation and the differences between decelerating and accelerating universes. This leads to definition of ‘inflation’ which will look like the appearance of a temporary cosmological constant in the very early universe. We will look at some of its unusual consequences. We show how the concept of ‘dark energy’ generalises the simple idea of a cosmological constant and some of the candidates for it. We then summarise the different pieces of observational evidence for dark energy, including the simple anthropic bound, and the prospects for future discoveries. Finally, we draw together the big unexplained features of the dark energy, look at some attempts to resolve them, and conclude by seeing what dark energy may mean for the far future of the universe.

Primary author

John Barrow

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