27–29 May 2013
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The Search for Dark Matter

29 May 2013, 14:00
122:026 (Nordita)




Green Anne


Most of the matter in the Universe is invisible. This dark matter is also exotic, made of new elementary particles. I will briefly describe the observational evidence for dark matter, on scales ranging from individual galaxies to the entire Universe. One of the best dark matter candidates are WIMPs, Weakly Interacting Massive Particles. I will describe how WIMPs arise in particle physics models designed to unify the fundamental forces and are generically produced in the early Universe with the required abundance. WIMPs can be detected directly, via their rare interactions with conventional matter, or indirectly, via the gamma-rays and anti-matter produced when they annihilate. WIMPs can also be produced at particle colliders such as the LHC. I will conclude by describing the principles, current status and future prospects of these experiments.

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