15 September 2014 to 10 October 2014
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Beyond-mean-field corrections and effective interactions in the nuclear many- body problem

Not scheduled
132:028 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Dr Marcella Grasso (IPN Orsay)


Mean-field approaches successfully reproduce nuclear bulk properties like masses and radii within the Energy Density Functional (EDF) framework. However, complex correlations are missing in mean-field theories and several observables cannot be predicted accurately. The necessity to provide a precise description of the available data as well as reliable predictions for exotic nuclei motivates the use of sophisticated beyond-mean-field models. A crucial aspect in these calculations is the choice of the effective interaction to be used when one goes beyond the leading mean-field order (available interactions are adjusted at the mean-field level). We have developed techniques to generate new effective interactions that are regularized and are well adapted to be used at a beyond-mean-field level (without double counting problems and divergences). These first studies have been devoted to nuclear matter. Links have been established between the EDF framework and some Effective Field Theory techniques and ideas. The objective of this work is to provide new effective interactions that do not contain any double counting, are cutoff independent, and can be finally used for finite nuclei. This will allow us to perform reliable applications to stable and exotic nuclei with sophisticated beyond-mean-field models. • Moghrabi, Grasso, Colò, Van Giai, PRL 105, 262501 (2010) • Moghrabi, Grasso, Roca-Maza, Colò, PRC 85, 044323 (2012) • Moghrabi, Grasso, PRC 86, 044319 (2012) • Moghrabi, Grasso, van Kolck, arXiv:1312.5949

Primary author

Dr Marcella Grasso (IPN Orsay)


Prof. Gianluca Colo (Milano University) Dr Kassem Moghrabi (IPN Orsay) Dr Ubirajara van Kolck (IPN Orsay)

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