OKC colloquia

The physics and environmental impact of radio-galaxy jets

by Judith Croston (University of Southampton)

Rubinstein (FA 31)

Rubinstein (FA 31)

Relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei are now known to play an important role in galaxy evolution in the nearby Universe, with their role at higher redshifts remaining uncertain. In the near future, deep extragalactic surveys with next-generation radio telescopes will lead to an unprecedented view of the low-luminosity radio jet population to high redshifts. Translating radio-galaxy population statistics into a robust understanding of the evolving role of radio jet feedback in galaxy evolution requires solving decades-old uncertainties in the physics, energetics and environments of radio-loud AGN. I will discuss recent advances in this subject, driven by the powerful combination of X-ray and radio observations, and how new facilities such as the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) can help. Ct: Emily Freeland